
Stand With Them As They Make A Shift In Their Story

We can not change someone's story for them, but we can journey with the as they learn how to:

  • Recognize the authors who have impacted their story.

  • Take back the pen.

  • Define their why - and redefine their try, pointing their life story in the direction they want it to go.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Leader Insights - Concept #1

    • The Big Idea

    • Unpacking Exercise #2 - Linear Or Abstract Processing

    • Guidance Tips

    • What This Means For Me - Worksheet

    • What I Hope This Means For You - Worksheet

    • Introducing Concept #2 - Taking Back The Pen

  • 2

    Concept #1 - What Is A Narrative?

    • What Is A Narrative?

    • Exercise #1 - I Used To Believe... But Now I Believe...

    • A Moment Of Pause

    • Is It Possible?

    • They Used To Believe

    • Two Options - Linear Or Abstract Processing

    • Exercise #2: Option A - Linear Processing

    • Exercise #2: Option B - Abstract Processing

    • Two Additional Questions

    • Letting Your Story Out - Safely

    • Overriding Fear

    • What This Concept Meant For Me

    • What I Hope This Concept Means For You

    • Introducing Concept #2 - "Taking Back The Pen"

  • 3

    Leader - How To Start Your Journey

    • The Purpose Of We're Changing It

    • The Big Idea Summary Video Explained

    • We're Changing It - Guidance Videos Explained

    • We're Changing It - Bonus Material Explained

    • Clarifying Key Terms

    • What Does It Mean To Change A Narrative?

    • What Is A "Narrative?"

    • What Is A "Shift?"

    • What Does "Wholeness" Mean?

    • What Does "Identity" Mean?

    • How Do I Use The Workbook?

    • Do I Need To Watch Each Of The 20 Concepts In Order?

    • How Do The Change Your Narrative Books Tie Into This Course?

  • 4

    For Those Who Struggle - How To Start Your Journey

    • Welcome To The Course

    • What Does It Mean To Change A Narrative?

    • Clarifying Key Terms

    • What Is A “Narrative?”

    • What Is A “Shift?”

    • What Does “Wholeness” Mean?

    • What Does “Identity” Mean?

    • How Do I Use The Workbook?

    • Do I Need To Watch Each Of The 20 Concepts In Order?

    • How Do The Change Your Narrative Books Tie Into This Course?

  • 5

    We're Changing It - Sample Bonus Material

    • Your Role Is Vital

    • The Gift Of Going Second

    • How Do I Help Them? What Do They Need?

    • How To Have Healthy Boundaries

    • What Do They Need?

    • How To Use Your Story To Guide Someone Else's

    • What To Do When Someone Shares About Their Pain Or Struggle

    • How To Know What To Say When Someone Shares About Trauma, Pain, Or Struggle

    • What Do I Do If I Don't Have All The Answers?

    • How To React When Someone Shares About Pain, Trauma, Or Struggle

    • What If I Hear Something That Feels Too Big To Handle Or Is Triggering?

    • Learning To Point

    • What Additional Resources Are Available For Them - And For You

    • Building A Mental Health Safety Plan

    • If I Suspect They Are Struggling, Can I Bring It Up?

    • How To Start Hard Conversations

    • What To Do If They Push Back Against Help

    • Helping Someone Process The Distinction Between Guilt And Shame

    • How To Help Someone Process Assigning Appropriate Responsibility

    • Helping Someone To See A Future

    • Giving Them Time To Heal

    • You Have Not Failed

    • What Is Wholeness?

    • Helping Them See Their Identity

What Others Are Saying

No longer a victim...

by Caitlynn E.

The entire experience resonated with me because I have thought of myself as the victim. But I now know it’s a process to step out of that mindset and start healing. 

I found my way.

John C.

Finding wholeness is a journey that is not meant to be done alone. I finally have a road map.

My story is finally my own.

Amanda K.

I found space to make my story my own.